What are the Benefits of Giloy

                       What are the Benefits of Giloy

What is giloy: 

Giloy, also known as Tinospora cordifolia, is a potent herb in Ayurvedic medicine renowned for its immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It's used to treat fevers, infections, and various chronic diseases. Giloy powder is considered a natural remedy for enhancing vitality and health, often consumed as a juice, powder, or extract.

Top 5 benefits of giloy : 

Boosts Immunity:

Giloy is renowned for its ability to enhance the immune system. It activates the body's defense mechanisms, helping to fend off various infections and diseases. This makes it a valuable herb for overall health maintenance and disease prevention.

Reduces Fever:

Known for its antipyretic properties, Giloy powder benefits in reducing fevers. It helps combat infections that cause fever, such as malaria and dengue, by reducing body temperature and alleviating symptoms.


Giloy powder benefits possess strong anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for treating inflammatory conditions like arthritis. It reduces inflammation and pain in the joints, providing relief to those suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases.

Detoxifies the Body:

This herb is an excellent detoxifier. It aids in the removal of toxins from the liver and kidneys, promoting their healthy function. By detoxifying the body, Giloy helps improve overall health and prevents various diseases related to toxin buildup.

Improves Digestion:

Giloy is effective in enhancing digestive health. It aids in digestion and helps alleviate issues such as indigestion, constipation, and acidity. By improving digestive functions, Giloy ensures better nutrient absorption and overall gastrointestinal health.

Read more : Giloy benefits for male 

 TOP 5 Uses of Giloy:

Fever Management:

Giloy uses it to manage fevers, including those caused by infections like malaria and dengue. It helps reduce body temperature and alleviates fever symptoms.

Immune System Support:

Regular consumption of Giloy, often in the form of juice or capsules, is used to strengthen the immune system. It helps the body fight off infections and boosts overall health.

Arthritis Relief:

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Giloy is used to relieve symptoms of arthritis, such as joint pain and inflammation. It can be consumed as a supplement or applied topically in herbal formulations.

Digestive Aid:

Giloy is used to improve digestion and treat digestive issues like indigestion, constipation, and acidity. It promotes healthy digestion and improves bowel movements, often consumed as a powder or decoction.


Giloy is used for detoxifying the body, particularly the liver and kidneys. It helps eliminate toxins, purifies the blood, and promotes overall detoxification, often taken in the form of extracts or herbal teas.

How to Use Giloy Leaves  : 

  1. Giloy Juice:

    • Preparation: Wash a handful of fresh Giloy leaves thoroughly. Blend them with water to extract the juice.

    • Usage: Drink a small amount (about 20-30 ml) of Giloy juice daily on an empty stomach for immunity and overall health.

  1. Giloy Tea:

    • Preparation: Boil 10-12 fresh Giloy leaves in two cups of water. Let it simmer until the water reduces to half. Strain the mixture.

    • Usage: Drink a cup of Giloy tea once or twice daily to relieve fever, boost immunity, and improve digestion.

  1. Giloy Powder:

    • Preparation: Dry Giloy leaves in the shade, then grind them into a fine powder.

    • Usage: Mix a teaspoon of Giloy powder with warm water or honey and consume daily to boost immunity and treat digestive issues.

Conclusion : 

Giloy is a versatile and potent herb widely utilized in Ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health benefits. Whether consumed as juice, tea, paste, decoction, or powder, Giloy effectively boosts immunity, reduces fever, alleviates inflammation, improves digestion, and detoxifies the body. Incorporating Giloy into your daily routine can promote overall health and well-being.


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